The nurse is here to help provide a healthful and safe school environment that facilitates learning. My goal is to help keep children in school so that they may be educated. Always call the nurse if you have a question on whether your child should attend school due to sickness. As a guide, below you will find 7 reasons your child should stay home.
A contagious illness like chicken pox, flu or strep throat. Keep the child at home until the health care provider states it is okay to return.
A child with a rash or skin condition not treated or diagnosed by a health care provider may be asked to return home until seen and treated.
A fever that causes chills, sweating, or muscle aches, or a temperature over 100 within the past 24 hours. Student must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Vomiting or diarrhea.
Red or pink eye with drainage or itchiness. Student must have started medication 24hours prior to returning to school.
Head lice or nits (eggs) that have not been treated. Must be treated before returning to school.
If proof of the required immunizations is unavailable or your child is not up to date on their immunizations.
It is also very important to keep your child's emergency information up to date at all times so that you may be contacted in the event your child becomes ill or injured in school.